


How nice when one day is never the same as another! It is the sensation we experience every time we create a new recipe for our organic whole spelt wheat specialties paired with always different and appetizing ingredients. Today it is the turn of black cabbage and anchovies from the Cantabrian Sea, a strip of the Atlantic Ocean that borders Spain and France.

As the watershed between the icy waters of the North Seas and the warmer and more temperate ones of the opposite tropical Seas, its flora and fauna are rich in species that are among the most varied and distinctive in the world. Among these are the famous anchovies of the Cantabrian Sea. Their balance between meat and fat is perfect. They are also very rich in essential amino acids and low in cholesterol. They also contain the lattice and in each fillet, there are important B vitamins.

Black cabbage is our ally. Always. LUZI organic wholemeal specialties love it. Stewed, boiled, or raw. It is one of the least energetic herbaceous plants. Its energy comes almost exclusively from good carbohydrates, such as fructose, of which it is very rich. But the so-called nutrients useful for nutritional therapy against certain pathologies are also fundamental, hypertension and type B diabetes mellitus are one example among many. But among its nutrients, there is also fiber, water, vitamins C, and potassium. In fact, black cabbage is particularly suitable for sportspeople, the elderly, and people with diabetes.

Spelled Wheat. We know what heritage it represents for our diet focused on living well and for a long time. It is a cereal with an enviable power. A superfood. A #joyfood, as we like to call it, instead, we at LUZI, who were the first and only ones to give it this name. A portion of food that gives joy, because health is above all good humor. And a good mood guarantees the strength to move forward even in times of crisis, reducing stress and removing from our body all the negative components that tire our resistance. Antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and niacin, an important B vitamin, essential for the transfer of electrons and H + in the metabolism of amino acids.

After this important information, which we hope will always be useful to you, let’s proceed with our new tasty recipe, which sees as the main ingredient (and essential to the excellent performance of the dish) the specialty of organic whole spelled in the fusilli format.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 500 grams of LUZI Organic Whole Spelled Specialty in fusilli format,
  • 250 grams of black cabbage,
  • a package of anchovies from the Cantabrian Sea in oil,
  • a garlic,
  • organic extra virgin olive oil,
  • salt.


In a bowl already heated over low heat, we put our well-washed cabbage and cut it into small pieces. With the side of a knife, squeeze garlic with a robe and add it to the cabbage that fades with water. We close with a lid and let it simmer for about a quarter of an hour. We add a little salt and, while we cook our LUZI spelled pasta, we proceed with the addition of anchovies and a drizzle of raw oil.

We drain the pasta and mantechiamo. This delight does not need anything else to be enjoyed with those we love, if not your love.

Enjoy your meal.