Sformato di Farro con Verdure

Ingredienti per Sformato di Farro con Verdure (per uno stampo a ciambella da 22 cm) :

  • 150 gr di farro perlato
  • 450 gr di verdure miste (zucchine, piselli, carote)
  • 1 scalogno
  • 4 uova
  • 30 gr di parmigiano
  • 30 gr di Emmental
  • olio e sale q.b.

Farro perlato biologico

Triticum dicoccum da agricoltura biologica 500g
Per preparare questo buonissimo Sformato di Farro con Verdure bisogna innanzitutto cuocere il farro in acqua salata, scolarlo e raffreddarlo sotto acqua fredda corrente.
Dopodiché bisogna affettare lo scalogno e farlo rosolare in padella con olio caldo. Tagliare le verdure a dadini e saltarle in padella con olio e scalogno. Farle raffreddare e unirle al farro.
Infine aggiungere due uova intere e due tuorli. Montare a neve i due albumi restanti. Unirli al composto e aggiungere il parmigiano e l’Emmental grattugiato. Aggiustare di sale e versare nello stampo, ungendolo se necessario.
Cuocere in forno ventilato a 180 gradi per 40/45 minuti.
Ricetta : Tania Gorelli, @taniago74






Categorical imperative: never start a new week with the intention of starting the diet. Failure is assured. Yes, because apart from all good intentions, and personal or collective will, there is no chance to brighten our stormy relationship with Mondays. Imagine then that of returning from the Christmas holidays.

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January is a cold, long, and tedious month for many of us. That’s why today we intend to cheer you up by offering you a dish full of good things, including vitamins, nutrients, and fibers that can cheer you up, both with the mind and with the body. The recipe is simple but incredibly tasty: organic farro spaghetti (made by LUZI ) with cream of pumpkin, zucchini, and sage.

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How nice when one day is never the same as another! It is the sensation we experience every time we create a new recipe for our organic whole spelt wheat specialties paired with always different and appetizing ingredients. Today it is the turn of black cabbage and anchovies from the Cantabrian Sea, a strip of the Atlantic Ocean that borders Spain and France.

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The snow is soft, romantic, and pale. But above all very cold. This is why we need a lot of good and healthy energy to be able to face such an icy and relentless cold as the one that has hit our Peninsula in the last few hours. And that’s why we have prepared for you a recipe with organic wholemeal spelled pasta that will soon warm your hearts and tenderly embrace your thoughts: LUZI wholemeal organic spelt farfalle with artichokes and walnuts.

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The menu of the week by LUZI is an important ally for your well-being. If you are looking for new stimuli to face a change in terms of lifestyle, we at LUZI want to provide you with a simple vadaemecum to face every day in the right way.

Each season is full of flavors, colors and scents. This is clear and visible to all. But what we perhaps ignore is that even the days of the week, although similar to each other, actually have their own characterization that makes them more unique than we think. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday represent for many of us a bridge in its most tenacious uphill arch, Thursday and Friday the gentle descent true Saturday and Sunday which, finally, represent rest, peace and freedom.

Do you recognize yourself? Do you recognize the fatigue of the first days of the week? If the answer is yes, we need to focus on a few, but clear right from the start, objectives to counter those efforts that make the usual first three days of our life’s work weeks so hard. And here they are, our next goals:

  • physical well-being,
  • mental well-being,
  • healthy lifestyle.

Nothing could be easier, you will think, not knowing how difficult it is, in reality, to reach even one of them. A substantial help, however, is certainly what comes from proper nutrition. Associating foods in relation to their nutritional potential means, in fact, already understanding that our body needs care right from the first foods ingested of the day.

In fact, let’s think about breakfast. There are those who run and those who take it all calmly at their disposal. The secret is to always sit in front of a beautiful set table and consume fresh and healthy foods, such as cereals, yogurt, green tea, barley and fruit. This is the right nutrition for those who want to better face the day. A healthy walk, or a quicker jog, are another unbeatable trick to combat a sedentary lifestyle. Lunches and dinners it goes without saying that they need the utmost attention. In fact, always giving priority to vegetables and seasonal foods is a good way to defend your body from external attacks, strengthening your defenses. So in the autumn we will consume more pumpkins, mushrooms, for example; in summer cherries and aubergines, in winter oranges and lettuces. Spring is made for peas and turnips.

So, are you ready for the menus of the week by LUZI? Take note of the goodness! Here's what we have prepared for an energetic and top-notch Monday:

Not bad, right? Fibers, Vitamins, Precious antioxidants, and lots of minerals to start even the most demanding week in the best possible way!

Now let's go back to the menu of the week and move on to Tuesday.

Do you like it? It’s amazing how much joy there is in nurturing. Spelled is an excellent ally against a bad mood, did you know? For the Thursday snack, you can use our recipe of LUZI apple pie and with Farro flour, you can replace the TIPO2 one.

Let's move on to Wednesday.

For Wednesday, we have chosen a very special menu. Suffice it to say that for lunch you will have the Farro and Broad Bean Pasta. Enchanting in its scent, flavor, and well-being. Ah, don’t forget that our flours, coming from Italian and organic cereals and legumes, are always stone-ground by the renewable energy LUZI mill! They are truly integral and preserved in ATM. From here we produce the best shapes of the best pasta.

Now on Thursday:

Also in this case we have decided to provide you with a truly complete menu to give Thursday a boost of energy and health! We are approaching the weekend and we find that we are feeling better


So onto Friday:

Those who love Puglia like us know well that orecchiette are not just a pasta, they are a real poem. This is why we wanted to make them out of spelled triticum dicoccum. Associated with turnip greens they represent a complete, traditional and functional dish. They will surprise you.

So go on Friday:

Also in this case we have decided to provide you with a truly complete menu to give Thursday a boost of energy and health! We are approaching the weekend and we find that we are feeling better.

Don't say we don't care about goodness. Look at the menu we have designed for a truly stellar Saturday.

LUZI Organic Whole Spelled Couscous is a masterpiece in terms of healthy energy and nutrients for the whole body. Its highly satiating power is a precious gift for those who have decided to embark on a low-calorie diet.

And now it's your turn, Sunday.

The SOLOLEGUMI LUZI Pasta is very rich in proteins, useful for athletes, and not only.

We conclude this wellness roundup by saying goodbye and hoping to have given you a few moments of precious friendship that you can reciprocate with the love for yourself by following this Menu of the week by Luzi.

See you soon and enjoy your meal!



According to the Russian genius Chekhov, there is no summer and no winter for happy people. We at LUZI have found a remedy for those who have not yet reached that state of grace that leads them not to notice the cold and heat, because they are so happy. We do it with a new recipe: digestive-style biscuits with organic wholemeal spelled flour and organic LUZI corn. Delicious to eat with a cup of tea or a coffee or a jar of fruit yogurt, as a snack or for breakfast, certainly extraordinary as a base for fantastic fresh cakes and cheesecakes.

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Ciambella integrale di Farro e Mais al Limone


This is one of those recipes that should never be missing in any self-respecting kitchen notebook. It is the Spelt Wheat and Corn Flour Doughnut t with lemon. Soft, fragrant, versatile, suitable for summers and winters, elegant dinners, and quick snacks. The common denominator will remain the goodness granted to the well-being that the stone-ground cereals from the LUZI mill guarantee and with which we will create our small, daily, culinary work of art. A work that, tasted, takes us back to Sicily, to the land of citrus fruits and acrid perfumes mixed with the sea.

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It is one of the best and healthiest regional gastronomic specialties you can eat: chickpea farinata. Not only a savory pie rich in proteins and particularly tasty but a real container of preciousness at an organoleptic and nutritional level. The recipe that we propose is typical of the Livorno area, but the Farinata also belongs to Liguria. Ideal for adults and children, for pregnant women and for diabetics, for athletes, and for all those who follow a controlled low-calorie diet.

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