A novelty is coming that will surprise our most attentive and sought-after friends in their way of nourishing and eating: LUZI organic wholemeal oat flour. The benefits of this herb are well known and you probably already know the extraordinary benefits of this wonderful food, but we want to give you some useful reminders.
Our organic oat flakes are now famous. They are formidable as ingredients for sweet recipes or to eat sunk in yogurt, creams and milk or for the preparation of the typical porridge and muesli. Every day we receive your compliments [and we do not hide a certain pride :)]. Oats are an ancient cereal with truly surprising properties for our well-being. According to some recent studies, oats, being very rich in fiber, are useful for regulating blood cholesterol levels and are an excellent ally in the fight against cancer.
Avenin with a toning, energizing, and restorative effect, functional for the nervous system
You will not believe it, but oats are also very useful to make up for the lack of melatonin, as an adjunct to massive cures in case of depression, nervousness and exhaustion in general, thanks to the presence of an alkaloid, avenin with a toning, energizing and tonic, functional for the nervous system. Especially recommended for the new mother who is facing one of the most difficult and tiring periods, and certainly wonderful, oats contain B vitamins, pantothenic acid, enzymes, mineral salts and lecithin.
Farina integrale di Avena biologica Luzi
The new Luzi organic wholemeal oat flour, like every flour produced by our solar energy mill, is stone ground and full body. Its carbohydrates are slow-release, so it is a highly digestible food, with a low glycemic index, also well suited to those who suffer from diabetes and those who support low-calorie diets thanks to its high satiating value.
Making desserts, pasta or bread products generally rich in excellent properties
We are confident that this new wholemeal oat flour added to our wonderful orchestra of stone ground organic flours will surprise you and you will be impressed above all by its versatility in the kitchen. LUZI organic wholemeal oat flour will allow you to make desserts, pasta or bread products generally rich in excellent properties for the benefit of your well-being, without however neglecting the delicate taste and its typical aroma.