man keeping between his hand a bunch of cereals


Spelt Wheat Pasta is a precious, encouraging, and valid alternative to pasta prepared with the most classic of cereals: durum wheat. Scholars, researchers, and consumers all agree: spelled pasta represents the new dietary habit of Italians.

We asked a sample of our loyal consumers and they answered in a simple and direct way. In five points, like this:

  1. Spelled is more digestible.

  2. I feel fuller.

  3. Fiber helps my bowel.

  4. I feel lighter.

  5. I love the way it tastes.

We give a further explanation of each of your five good reasons for choosing spelled pasta.

  1. Spelled, especially the ancient Triticum dicoccum, contains an original genome, never modified, unlike wheat, and this makes it much more digestible, even though it contains gluten.
  2. Its natural wholeness allows to obtain a food rich in fiber, suitable for every palate, therefore more versatile in the kitchen.
  3. Its flavor is intense, but it almost betrays a resemblance to the classic wheat pasta, so it does not differ too much from the eating habits imparted since childhood.
  4. Spelled pasta contains a low glycemic index and nutritional elements considered beneficial for the body. Its consumption guarantees a balanced supply of proteins and fibers and a low intake of fats and calories.
  5. Spelled is also very rich in vitamins (vitamin A, thiamin B1, riboflavin B2, and niacin B3) and mineral salts, such as iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Semi wholemeal specialty

This is why we have decided to create a new Semi-wholemeal Specialty, even more appetizing, with 100% recyclable packaging. Bronze drawing, craftsmanship, and slow drying. What else? Our mark of authenticity and naturalness.

Discover all seven tasty formats in the best trusted super and hypermarkets. We are waiting for you.

terra dallo spazio con due linee a mano che la cullano


The packaging is a very important factor for any well-informed consumer. We often ask ourselves what world we live in and what is the direction we need to follow to live well and make future generations live even better. The environment suffers its irremediable fate due to alarming climate change and the often wicked and inadequate policies of governments on the environmental issue. As WWF Italy explains in a recent note: “If we continue to burn fossil fuels, destroy forests, eat unsustainably, we will destroy our future”. And not just ours. It is an alarm that concerns those who govern, of course, and are able to make decisions for us, but this is an alarm that must also reach the individual consciences of every human inhabitant of the Earth.

A company operating in the world to guarantee it an ethical contribution

Every day that passes, for the world scientific community, is a wasted day if nothing has been done to counter this problem and to seek adequate solutions. In return, for some industries, companies and for some governments, things are not so urgent and do not need due attention. As if all of this didn’t concern everyone’s life, including theirs, the general sustenance of the world’s well-being

chicco legume in mano

The new LUZI Farro Pasta, from the ancient species Triticum dicoccum

We at Luzi believe that the problem exists and that due to its gravity it must be contained without waiting an extra day. We were born with a very specific idea: to create a company operating in the world to guarantee it an ethical contribution, not just economic and commercial. This is why we produce foods designed for healthy and correct human nutrition and we do so using biodynamic and sustainable methods in favor of the environment. From dynamic agriculture, able to reactivate the DNA of the plant in a natural way, to milling with a solar system, from artisan pasta making to sustainable packaging: everything, here with us, from today, imposes the right to a healthy life and healthiness in the world.

100% recyclable material in the paper sector thanks to the brand new NOW patent

The product that marks the beginning of this new and welcome èra LUZI is the Semi wholemeal Spelled Pasta, a simple, healthy, and proven food specialty for every palate. In seven tasty and versatile formats, the new LUZI Farro Pasta, from the ancient Triticum dicoccum species, is produced with bronze drawing and slow drying and packaged in 100% recyclable material in the paper sector thanks to the brand new NOW patent.

Our spelled is obtained from Italian crops and processed without the aid of chemical means in respect of the environment. It is a natural product. Without compromises.

“Nutriamo ad Arte“

Its packaging is not only virtuous, but also careful to guide the consumer towards scrupulous information on the product, through the QR Code, and on the most correct diet to follow, thanks to the useful advice presented in Italian and English, to the new combinations. to create ever tastier and healthier recipes. The front of the package further embellishes the concept of our claim “We feed as art”, presenting you with a very sweet tale that tells of a very special journey undertaken by our spelled grain.

One fine day a young spelled grain decided to embark on a journey. It first left for the past, where he recognized the fields spread over the hills of the Marche from which he had been raised. It heard the same call of the sea. It got excited. Suddenly it saw the peasants lovingly caressing the ears of his ancestors. It was moved. Back home, in the present, it returned the caresses to his peasant fathers thanks to the fresh spring wind. It fell asleep. But soon another cloud appeared that carried it away in the future. There it saw that the solar-powered mill was the same one with which the millers produced his flours, rich in every nutrient, which became wonderful shapes of the highest artisan quality. It was heartened After that trip, the grain understood that Luzi’s past, present and future were the same links linked together by love for tradition, respect for nature and passion for innovation. And so it rejoiced.


genitori e figlio al mare


Did you know that eating spelt wheat can protect the well-being of your skin even from damage caused by the sun? Whole spelled is very rich in phytochemicals, the so-called polyphenols, excellent allies in the prevention of serious diseases, allergies and deficiencies of the immune system. And not only. In fact, polyphenols have a high antioxidant function and protect the cells of our body from damage caused by free radicals, which normally develop with cellular aging due to external events such as emotional or physical stress, chemical additives, UV rays. , smoking, viral and bacterial attacks, all types of radiation, and so on.

Polyphenols, excellent allies for subverting the advancement of free radicals

Experts bombard us every day, through the most disparate means of communication and with good reason, with useful advice, providing us with precise indications on what to eat to best protect our skin from continuous and often subtle attacks from the outside world. First of all, – they explain us well – it is nutrition that helps our body to defend itself from everything that threatens its health. Among the most important and well-known foods for the prevention of UV rays, in summer, there are undoubtedly vegetable ones, such as carrots and radicchio. Carotenoids (such as beta-carotene, lycopene, zeaxanthin, and lutein) are in fact the most widely used systemic photoprotective agents. But to these are added the indispensable polyphenols, excellent allies for subverting the advancement of free radicals and of which spelled is very rich.

farro che scorre tra le mani su un mucchio

Generally, it is advisable to use in the daily diet the mix of antioxidants present in different foods that work in synergy so that their action is more active and even more effective. As if to say, according to the good rule handed down by the Gestalt School, the total is always more than the sum of the individual elements. And union does much more than strength, even in this, helping us to preserve our skin from sunburn, aging, and other more serious diseases.

Adequate food preparation worthy of you and your well-being.

Eating healthy is an essential imperative, especially in the hottest season, when summer, heat, and sun put a strain on our physical and psychological resistance. Whether by the sea or in the mountains or in some city oasis, remember to protect yourself with adequate food preparation worthy of you and your well-being.

The blue light!

Learn to protect your skin, even if you work and are in the office. Did you know that blue light, which you are exposed to through new technologies, or the more common neon light in offices, puts your skin under a stress comparable to that of the sun in midsummer? This kind of light penetrates deep into the dermis and cause the reckless development of free radicals, the best friends of sunspots, skin aging and other skin diseases.

Take care of yourself. And who you love. Entrust your diet and that of your children to healthy foods, coming from virtuous and sustainable production methods, controlled and traceable, even better if often of vegetable origin. Make your life a reflection of your good health. Eat wholemeal pasta, preferably from ancient grains, not contaminated in DNA and not usurped by the original gene. Nourished with legumes, stone-ground, and full-body flours. Eat whole grains. Spelled with its very high antioxidant power. And not only.

Spelled, again thanks to the very precious polyphenols, promotes a deterrent action against some of the most invasive cancers, effectively protecting the cells of our body. Its antiatherogenic action and strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral power are also well known.

Spelled is all this and much more: a true opulent soldier in defense of our health!

man and woman with the ultrasound scan of the baby in their hands

SPELT WHEAT IN PREGNANCY: the right nutrition for you and him

Eating well with spelt wheat. Especially pregnant. It makes you feel better, who need the richest energy and all natural nutrients, and it’s good for him (or her), who needs you, your well-being and the best elements to be able to grow in a strong and healthy way . Nothing more obvious. A healthy and balanced diet is a must when the female body needs the utmost attention and care; and taking care of yourself, thanks to a healthy nutrition that also includes spelled in pregnancy, means first of all taking care of the greatest love you know: your child. But sometimes the most obvious things are those hidden from the eye. Food is an indispensable thing to live, you know. What is often forgotten is that a certain type of food is essential to live long and well. From the oldest to the most recent scientific investigations, the influence of food on the individual’s health has been well understood. The better you eat, the better you are then.

Spelled is not just a cereal, but one of the oldest cereals in existence and cultivated by man on Earth.

All of our well-being seems to start from a positive association of factors, including a healthy lifestyle and food that is recognizable as good and healthy. Spelled is a cereal. Taking spelled during pregnancy, preferably whole grain, is the best way to add natural fibers to your daily diet and solve annoying intestinal obstruction problems without medicines or substitutes, which is very common in pregnancy, especially in its last months. Spelled is not just cereal, but one of the oldest cereals in existence and cultivated by a man on Earth. Its origins are Persian and date back to about 5000 years ago, but the Roman legionaries greatly appreciated its qualities and appropriated it for very long periods until the completion of the Empire. Its high satiating value, its naturalness, organoleptic properties, and intense flavor are qualities that make this special ingredient real support for the entire gestational period. And beyond.

man and woman with the ultrasound scan of the baby in their hands

But why prefer spelled wheat in pregnancy to wheat?

Eat spelled when pregnant. Always choose cereals from sustainable agriculture that respect the environment and the natural life process of plants and the land that hosts them. It is the best way to be convinced that what you eat is what strengthens you and does not harm you. But why prefer spelled wheat in pregnancy to wheat? Spelled contains much more protein than wheat and is more easily digestible. But it also contains Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, Magnesium, B vitamins, complex carbohydrates, and too much more to be able to give up. Thiamine (or Vitamin B1), in particular, is essential in the growth phase of children, stimulating brain production and mental attitude. This load of nutrients is essential for the correct eating habits that every pregnant or puerpera woman should have for her well-being and that of him (or her). Try wholemeal or semi-wholemeal spelled pasta, fresh salads with pearls or autumn soups combined with mushrooms and seasonal vegetables. At breakfast do not let your tummy miss our puffed cereals from organic and bio-sustainable agriculture. Do not forget the Luzi wholemeal spelled flour, suitable for delicious sweet or savory recipes and rigorously stone ground with a renewable solar energy system. To guarantee him (or guarantee) the future he deserves.

farro che scorre tra le mani su un mucchio