persona che tiene in mano pacchi di pasta su un tavolo

LUZI Advertising: Nutriamo ad Arte 2021

Nutriamo ad Arte 2021



We are happy to share our ‘Nutriamo ad Arte 2021’ advertising campaign with you!

Our goal is to make known the values of our brand and our products that enter and are part of the daily food routine. We are a company that grows with the families of our workers, our business partners and consumers, who every day confirm the trust they have placed in us.

Thanks also to all of you, who support the LUZI brand every day by choosing it for as a part of food on your tables. Share and comment on your experience with our products on the videos published on our official digital platforms.

Nutriamo ad Arte 2021

La Specialità Semi Integrale di Farro | Pasta di Farro Luzi

Azienda Agricola Marchigiana | Pasta di Farro Luzi


23 NOVEMBRE 2017 – 14 GENNAIO 2018 ROMA



LUZI has always been the protagonist of numerous trade fairs, events and international events in the food and wine sector. In the cultural field, it sponsors reviews, events, exhibitions, such as the historical one, of great international importance, “The Pirandello case”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Nobel Luigi Pirandello at the Villa Torlonia Theater in Rome and curated by Paolo Petroni and Claudio Strinati, because, as he declares, food passes from the soul, which must be nourished, first of all, by art.

“An immersive exhibition – explains Minister Dario Franceschini – which presents one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century to the public by making his domestic places come alive, listening to his voice in one of the very few remaining recordings, showing his figure in some very rare video documents ‘Istituto Luce, illustrating your professional world through stage costumes ”.

“The Pirandello Case” is an exhibition full of artistic and philosophical suggestions, which returns the perception of an entire era and the cultural and moral history of the twentieth century, which was strongly influenced by Pirandello.”

Paolo Petroni, curator of the exhibition, writes in the preface of the catalog: “This 2017 is twice the year of Luigi Pirandello: it turns the spotlight on the 150th anniversary of his birth, but also celebrates the centenary of” So it is (if you ) ”, His first important theatrical text and at the same time an initial manifesto, modern and unsettling for the viewer of the time, despite the context – a bourgeois living room in a provincial town – was traditional, realistic. But it is precisely this contrast that leads to the clash between form and content, so that one amplifies and causes the other to explode “.

The section of the exhibition hosted at the splendid Theater of Villa Torlonia consists of historical theatrical costumes of the Compagnia dei Giovani worn at the time by actors such as Romolo Valli, Rossella Falk, Carlo Giuffrè in Pirandello shows, but also a series of videos, documents , letters (often unpublished or little known), photographic and graphic testimonies, interspersed with readings, references to places and personalities with which Pirandello interferes during his very troubled existence.

A rare curiosity is the section dedicated to Luigi Pirandello painter with paintings all of private property that it is very rare to be able to see and side by side with paintings of his son Fausto, great painter of the Roman School, of considerable interest also in relation to the relative theoretical debate very lively in that period. .

Alongside the virtual characters of the Pirandello theater, thanks to the precious collaboration with the Institute of the History of the Sicilian Show, the real ones parade on display, from colleagues from his youth phase in Germany, to his wife who died in an asylum, from Marta Abba and Ruggero Ruggeri , to all the actors, directors, set designers who worked with him, up to the events of the Nobel Prize with its interesting implications and contradictory relationships with Fascism and Mussolini.

At the House-Museum, on the other hand, which has remained intact in all its evocative charm since the day of Pirandello’s death and for the occasion set up with a large and enveloping multimedia intervention, it will be possible to admire, in addition to the original rooms and furnishings, the clothes and divided by an Accademico d’Italia, his manuscripts and all his private library: the over-covers of the most beloved books painted by himself appear, the beautiful original painted diploma of the Nobel, and much more. A long video investigation by Sky on Pirandello will also be screened with re-enactments and interviews with scholars and actors, from Dario Fo to Gabriele Lavia.

At the House-Museum, on the other hand, which has remained intact in all its evocative charm since the day of Pirandello’s death and for the occasion set up with a large and enveloping multimedia intervention, it will be possible to admire, in addition to the original rooms and furnishings, the clothes and divided by an Accademico d’Italia, his manuscripts and all his private library: the over-covers of the most beloved books painted by himself appear, the beautiful original painted diploma of the Nobel, and much more. A long video investigation by Sky on Pirandello will also be screened with re-enactments and interviews with scholars and actors, from Dario Fo to Gabriele Lavia.

“The Pirandello case” was born within the studies and research promoted and developed by the Institute of Pirandellian Studies and is presented as a very special exhibition event. The exhibition intends to build a sort of opus in homage to the Maestro, through a broad and documented survey on the activity of Pirandello narrator, man of the theater and proponent of new philosophical and artistic theories with attention and interest in new studies between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, from psychoanalysis to cinematography, which attracted and involved him. It is no coincidence, therefore, that from 25 to 29 November there will be a Review of old and new films, taken from works by Pirandello, curated by Amedeo Fago in collaboration with the Cineteca Nazionale, at the Sala Trevi. The viewing of the films will be completed by a round table with directors and scholars at the Casa Museo.

Durata mostra: 23 novembre 2017-14 gennaio 2018
Teatro di Villa Torlonia: Via Nomentana, 70 – Via Spallanzani 1A
Casa-Museo Istituto di Studi Pirandelliani: Via Antonio Bosio, 13B
Orari: giovedì, venerdì, sabato 10.00-13.00 e 15.00-18.00 – domenica 10.00-16.00 Ingresso libero
Sito web:
Ufficio stampa: Madia Mauro 06 8088854 – 347 0492505

Organizzazione Euroforum

Media Partner: RAI Radio TRE

Con il contributo di LUZI Srl

luca sardella con mano nella spalla su donna


Written by Luca Sardella, TV presenter, on blog

The attachment to the territory and its traditions, the passion for the flavors and aromas of the past and the desire to share with those who most wish to appreciate authenticity, genuineness and naturalness in food are the principles from which LUZI draws inspiration. The company project begins with the cultivation of land with sustainable methods and with low corporate impact aimed at the production of quality cereals and legumes and continues with the transformation of agricultural production into wholegrain, healthy and functional food products, distributed in most of the groups of the Italian GDO.



From the very popular blog “Le Marchese del Gusto” we share an article that talks about our legume specialties.

Therefore, we thank the Marquis for this beautiful review.

We often ask ourselves which pasta is best to buy and every time we have the shopping list in hand, doubt assails us: today, in fact, the problem of grains that are not good for you, excessively refined flours, and genetic modifications has come. even to the ears of the most distracted.
What is missing is often a guide, whether it is a reference shopkeeper who knows what he sells and who offers products with a certain philosophy and certain ethics or simply a friend who knows more and who can recommend good and healthy alternatives. In short, there is no information that penetrates, so that such a fundamental message is not ignored in the midst of advertising flyers.
So today Eleonora and I, visiting our beautiful Marche region, take the place of the councilor and propose an even more different, and even more intriguing alternative because it is not just pasta.

We had already talked about a good and fair cereal, the raw material of a pasta that is good for the palate and the taxman, but today we are thinking of a blend, pass me the term. Yes, because Mr. Luzi gets the apotheosis of taste, the surprising hold, and the balanced flavor from the mix of cereals and legumes.

And so, after hearing about it from Cibio, one of those shops to be taken as a reference point to really love yourself, and after noticing that, compared to the Serra de Conti countryside where we were walking, the Luzi company is only half a mile away. ‘Now…Gianluigi Luzi welcomed us with open arms, despite the short notice and, in no time at all, immersed us in the story of the surrounding lands, on the border between the Province of Ancona and that of Pesaro-Urbino.

I admit it, I experienced a flashback, my going to “find” a product I like suddenly catapulted me back two years, to when I was attending the Master of the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, and my life was surrounded by passionate people, stubborn producers and tasty fruits of nature with a thousand benefits.

And then there, while Gianluigi spoke to us in a calm and conscious way, I watched his eyes that shone, which told the same story in parallel, made of sacrifices, satisfaction, and burning passion. I thought, watching my Eleonora go out very happy with a sampling of Luzi products, that I did just fine to go home and bring here the same enthusiasm and the same desire to discover, although it is more difficult, many people still do not understand me and the effort have not yet paid off.
So, while waiting for a recipe for full legume pasta, I highly recommend that you take a look at the Luzi Food website and immerse yourself in the variety of offers, sometimes with really tantalizing names. My favorites? “Everything and nothing” and “Only Legumes.”

Moreno Torricelli con pacchi di pasta Luzi in mano


Super Champion Moreno Torricelli does not need any great introduction. We have known his epic exploits in his incredible football career with three league titles won, two Italian Cups, two Super Cups, a Uefa Cup, a Champions League, a Uefa Super Cup, and, if that is not enough, an Intercontinental Cup for Juventus, as the owner, and in Fiorentina.

Then Torricelli becomes a highly regarded coach and, subsequently, the columnist for Juve Channel.

Today the legend of Italian football Torricelli presents LUZI products to our public. And we can’t hold back the joy and the great pride that accompany this photographic collection we have created for you.

locandina SANA 2018


From 7 to 10 September also this year we will be present at Sana, the international exhibition of organic and natural products, now in its thirtieth edition. Bologna Fiere, with Vegan Ok, will host our stand V / 20 in Hall 19 with all our products and all the news. Come to discover them.

Wellness awaits you!