

Fava Beans or Broad beans are prodigious legumes, in other words, they represent the quintessence of healthy nutrition. And it is easy to say why. We grow them in Italy, in the Marche, on the hilly areas located between the provinces of Pesaro and Urbino, with organic and biodynamic cultivation methods. From stone-ground and full-body beans with a renewable energy milling system we obtain the best whole bean flour. Together with wholemeal spelled flour, we produce a variant of well-being: the Spelled and Broad Bean Specialty, already winner of the “Best Product Innovation” Award at the Anuga in Cologne.

farro che scorre tra le mani su un mucchio

Mediterranean Diet

Undisputed queen of healthy nutrition with a Mediterranean tradition, fava beans or broad beans, together with lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, the rediscovery of cicerchia, represent an ally of our well-being and our longevity.

In fact, it has been shown that those who regularly consume legumes of natural and organic origin improve their health by extending their life expectancy.

Broad beans lower the level of bad cholesterol thanks to the high content of plant fibers that stabilize blood cholesterol levels.

They are very often indicated by specialists, doctors and nutritionists, to reduce the risk of diabetes. Today, with the advent of a society that eats unregulated, devoted to fast food and street food, we find ourselves an increasingly obese and sick population. Diabetes is one of the main causes of an improper diet based on fats and sugars. The broad beans, thanks to the high content of vegetable fibers, significantly reduce the risk of contracting this very serious disease, also reducing the possibility of stroke or heart attack.

Le fave contengono tanti preziosi minerali

Broad beans contain many precious minerals, including manganese, which is very useful in fighting arthritis and osteoporosis. Among the various properties this portentous legume helps the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems and erects a barrier against seasonal ailments to defend our immune system.

Vitamina A, presente in elevata quantità

The considerable benefits of fava beans are also found on the skin, thanks to vitamin A, present in high quantities and which acts on the epidermis, making it radiant and beautiful. If you think that the wellness roundup is over, you are wrong: beans are also very rich in Vitamin B1, or thiamine, a substance necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and to regulate metabolism.