Ancient spelled belongs to the grass family. Its composition is particularly rich, compared to that of its peers: 10% water, 18% protein, 58.5% starch, 6.8% dietary fiber, and only 2.7% sugar.
We often repeat how much the Triticum Dicoccum spelled, produced for its food by LUZI, is very rich in vitamins. It contains, in fact, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2-B3-B5-B6, vitamins E and K. But what makes it a wealth of well-being is also a very high value of mineral salts. Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Copper, Sodium, and Phosphorus are artillery endowed with spelled wheat in favor of our body and necessary against the onset of serious diseases.
But the list didn't end there.
There are essential molecules in spelt wheat which are very important for the healthy development of the human body, such as amino acids. In ancient spelled there are arginine, essential for the development of the body in the infantile phase and among all the one able to stimulate the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, leucine, a precious ally of the muscle content and correct liver function, lysine, Necessary for the constitution and reconstruction of the fibrous protein and the formation of antibodies, hormones and – as if that were not enough – enzymes.
We often repeat how much the Triticum Dicoccum spelt wheat or Farro, produced for its food by LUZI, is very rich in vitamins. It contains, in fact, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2-B3-B5-B6, vitamins E and K. But what makes it a wealth of well-being is also a very high value of mineral salts. Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Copper, Sodium, and Phosphorus are artillery endowed with spelled wheat in favor of our body and necessary against the onset of serious diseases.
Amino acids contained in the cereals
And the list of amino acids contained in the cereal would be even more detailed, but for that, we refer to the scientific treatises that have dedicated important research on the subject. Here we limit ourselves to giving spelled a further beneficial action: that of knowing how to give joy. Spelled, of the Triticum dicoccum species, is endowed with a significant dose of Tryptophan which synthesizes serotonin, a very powerful tryptamine capable of regulating mood, sleep, empathy, creativity, and mental concentration.
For this reason, we at LUZI love to define organic whole spelled and every dish made with our #cibodellagioia foods.
Stoneground and whole body, bronze drew and dried at low temperature
LUZI is a leader in the processing and marketing of functional foods derived from ancient spelt wheat originating from the Triticum dicoccum species. Of Italian origin, the spelled used comes from a controlled network of farmers who use organic farming methods in Central Italy. LUZI spelled wheat, spelt wheat and broad beans, spelled wheat and nettle pasta are stone ground and whole body, bronze drawn and dried at low temperature. The ready meals of the line is Pronto! are spelled salads presented in four delicious variations inspired by our best Mediterranean tradition. And, finally, there are the delicious wholemeal spelled flours, essential for creating delicious and very tasty recipes, and the puffed, pearled, and flaked wholemeal spelled for a snack or a breakfast dedicated to taste and well-being.